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Hillebrity | Golden Space

 Golden Space — Band
Ava Cole and Lauren Othon of Golden Space

Ava Cole and Loren Othon of Golden Space

How did you start playing together and what’s the collaborative process like now?

Loren: Well I had been stewing on this idea for a couple of years. Mostly it’s a narrative about a person who wakes up one morning and finds that their body has been transformed into that of a sea creature. Initially in my head, I saw it as a score to a film.
Ava: So she had been sketching out songs for a while and came to me one night when we were both at a dance party. She had seen me play in another band a few years before at the Comet and knew I played keyboards and basically asked if I wanted to help her flesh out this project.
L: So we worked together on all these little skeletons of songs, some fully formed and some just bones, and transformed them into what they are now.
A: These days, our collaborative process is funny. Songs just sort of start to exist. Sometimes one of us will have an idea, or a phrase stuck in our head, or a few notes, but then the song just shows up and introduces itself to us.

Do all the songs generally fit in or follow that same storyline?

L: Yeah, they all fit in there somewhere. It’s all about making this huge journey, so you’ll see a lot of the same imagery throughout the songs. A lot of water, travel, being in a boat. Actually, one time, Ava was asked to describe our music to someone.

A: I had just woken up from a nap, and you know how a brain is then. Pretty wonky. A barista had asked me what kind of music my band played, and it just sprang out. “We’re a tiny boat in a big river.”

L: Which really sums it up. We’re a tiny boat in a big river.

Golden Space performs at the event T/OUR: a platform for queer literary and artistic collaborations Thursday, October 17th at Vermillion.

Previously on Hillebrity

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