About rondakron

Ron Dakron is the author of the novels Hello, Devilfish!, infra, Newt, Hammers, and Mantids. His work runs the gamut from surrealism to sci-fi pastiche. His novels explore differing styles of poetic prose, from Romaticism, to cubism, B-movie satire to mangled Japanese translation. Raven Chronicles calls him “as sinister as a thirteen-year-old with a lighter and a keg of butane.” Publishers Weekly deemed him “a writer with a fine ear and plenty of gusto.” He lives in Seattle, WA.

CHS Community Post | Blue Chthulu Smacks Hack Tracts

HD-coverCapitol Hill novelist Ron Dakron has published a fifth novel – Hello Devilfish!, a Manglish-spiced, first-person (or first-fish) account of a giant blue Japanese movie monster (kaiju) stingray’s attack on contemporary Tokyo and his tragic morph into human form.

Ron has written on Capitol Hill in various locales – most now razed for new condos. He now lives in a fab old edifice on Capitol Hill that shouldn’t be demolished anytime soon. “I hope not,” Ron adds, “the local crows depend on the Lorna Doones I toss them.”