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Parks: Federal/Republican acquisition battle won’t take long

With yesterday’s news that the City Council has authorized Seattle Parks to acquire the empty lots at the corner of Federal and Republican for a new neighborhood park, the question is what happens next. CHS had a quick chat with Don Harris, head of acquisitions for Parks about fears that the future green space was in for a lengthy court battle as one of our commenters, Mike with Curls, said he fears:

Since there is no emergency, this sort of litigation can take many years, and by then the value of the land by an appraisal can almost double … interesting.

Could be long story. Remember, no emergency status, very routine. Courts backed up in this county big time.

Harris said this scenario is not likely. “If legal action ensues, it will be relatively quick. We’re looking at months here,” Harris told CHS.

“The City is committed to making this an expedient process.”

From discussions CHS has had with people familiar with the situation, it’s extremely rare for these situations to enter the courtroom but, if it does end up being litigated, the City of Seattle has powerful tools at its disposal following Monday’s authorization and Mayor Mike McGinn’s expected signing of the legislation.

Calls to a representative for Fedrep Investors, LLC, the company that owns the land targeted by Seattle Parks for the new project, have not been returned.

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Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Time line depends on the quality of the attorneys, all possible court actions, and appeals. Sorry, it could take years.

Of course the PR line is not that from the city.

The push – shove is about getting more money from settlement talks, but, yes, long court is possible.

I watched several of these over the years, so I guess we will see if the they get it quickly and and what the cost to the city is at the end.

I don’t know if there is a standard of need, but,if smart boy attorneys were doing this they might use that tactic. After all Volunteer and Cal Anderson are in the same general neighborhood.

I guess Super Good CHS Blog will keep us informed.


14 years ago

This from the 1999 Cap. Hill Neighborhood Plan: “According to Seattle Comprehensive Plan criteria, the Cap. Hill Urban Village will need a total of 12.5 acres of *new* open space by 2014” to satisfy the ‘one acre of open space per 1,000 households’ guideline.
At that time Cap. Hill had only .83 acres (before Cal Anderson Park 4+ acre expansion). 13,334 households was the basis at that time. So we’re still far below the mark, and the # of households is up.

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Thank you, the plan sets out goals.

However if you are trying to stall and force more negotiation your argument does not need to be 24 carat.