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Police swarm Broadway after tussle with suspect at Charlie’s — UPDATE

Several SPD units rushed to Broadway restaurant Charlie’s just before 11:30 PM Sunday night. According to scanner reports, officers were called to the 217 Broadway E scene as a plainclothes SPD officer fought with a suspect. Responding officers could be seen running into the restaurant.

@staxec tweeted this picture and description of the scene:

There are 14 cop cars outside my window/running into Charlie’s right now…

Medic units were called to the scene to treat the suspect who was suffering from a possible drug overdose, according to the radio dispatch.

All information in this report is preliminary and has not been confirmed with SPD. We will update as we get more information and can confirm details of what went down on Broadway.

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Christian Brahm
Christian Brahm
13 years ago

Seems a bit extreme for a drug overdose.

13 years ago

But if you read what happened. In the initial reports over the scanner said it involved an off duty cop fighting with someone. It came out as a city wide Help. From what I’ve seen, that brings the Calvary. So 14 cars actually seems like not that many when you take into consideration that every available cop in the city was most likely headed there to back up their partner.

13 years ago

Good old SPD. FOURTEEN cars to respond to a bar fight. What, no SWAT team or riot gear?

13 years ago

Do you really have any frame of reference or capability to judge what is or is not extreme in this situation? Get over yourself. What if the guy had a gun and all those cops DIDN’T show up?

13 years ago

People tend to forget that spd didn’t respond like this a few years ago. There is reasoning behind a huge response like this. I am not “pro” or “con” police, but I will say that these guys probably bottle up more fear than we experience in a year on a daily basis. It isn’t the police trying to control the public. It’s humans afraid for their lives. Have some compassion. Not all cops are Ian Birk.

Truth teller
Truth teller
13 years ago

I think the poor guy finally got fed up with the ugly decor in there,

The Phleming
The Phleming
13 years ago


13 years ago

If the suspect isn’t armed and it’s one suspect, then 14 cars is an overreaction. If the guy is armed, then it’s a different story and reaction with all means necessary I would think.

13 years ago

The real story here are the cop cars running into Charlie’s! Oh no!

13 years ago

The police and witness reports are public record. Request the report by emailing and asking for a public disclosure request. You’ll see it’s a wee bit more complicated than reported here. Also, check the public records regarding the criminal and mental health history of the suspect.

Off duty cops, just like everyone else, are allowed to have dinner in a restaurant without crazy people attacking them.