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Electric car chargers pondered for Harvard Market — Meanwhile, validation no longer required

Doing our part to help local real estate developers make smart transportation choices — see this past CHS discussion on the possible addition of bike storage to the Odd Fellows building — anybody care to weigh in on this query from Morris Groberman of Northwest Commercial Real Estate Investments regarding demand for electric car chargers in the parking garage at the Harvard Market shopping center?

…if we were to put a electric car charging station in Harvard market would people use it?  Do people drive electric cars on the hill?  If we get more positive feedback we may just look at spending the approx. 10k to put in a station.  Mind you this is early stages, but we need to really look at this market and determine if it is worthwhile serving the neighborhood with a charging station.

Basically, Groberman and partners are trying to decide if getting involved in a program like this — in which a federally-backed program said it is having a hard time finding Capitol Hill parking lots to work with — pencils out.

Groberman also tells us the QFC parking garage is going to drop its validation program, remove the gates from the Broadway entrance of its underground lot and let people park for 90 minutes on the honor system. Perhaps we buried the lede here — but let us know if you have any advice for the Harvard Market crew.

In the meantime, Groberman’s Madison Court Apartments lawyers are waiting for the city’s Hearing Examiner to publish the decision in their appeal against the Cascadia Center development on Madison.

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13 years ago

They need to extend the parking in the upper lot to at least an hour. It is difficult to get seated and finish a meal at Tangerine Tree in less than 30 minutes!

13 years ago

Like the honor system is going to work in self righteous Seattle.

I didn’t mind the parking validation one bit, at least there’s always parking available.

Building Apt tenant
Building Apt tenant
13 years ago

Seems like a bad idea to remove the gates and use the honor system … In a neighborhood with such limited parking? I live in the building and am afraid that parking availability for my guests will plunge, and that shoppers will also encroach on the reserved spots. People are going to park for hours, and store revenues will also suffer as a result. I sure hope they have a way to measure all the impacts.

Building Apt tenant
Building Apt tenant
13 years ago

I know the market is suffering … Is this a way to save a few bucks in the short term that in the medium/long term will contribute to its further suffering or demise?

13 years ago

Every single other parking lot near this place is on the honor system.

Broadway & Union
Harvard between Pike and Union
Boylston and Seneca
Broadway and Seneca (next to the Garage)
Broadway and Pine (Taco Del Mar)
Boylston and Union
Boylston and Pike
Harvard and Pine
10th and Pine
10th between Pike and Union
Seneca and Madison

All of those are within the surrounding two blocks. All are self serve. Whatever will we do with absolutely no place to park?!?!?!

13 years ago

They just don’t want to pay someone to man the booth. Economics pure and simple. And the honor system won’t work.

13 years ago

Those are mainly lots – this is a garage

A garage is 10x easier to abuse than a parking lot