Fire alarms are going off in buildings across Capitol Hill and the Central District late Monday afternoon as a “power surge” hit the area. We have also heard reports of explosions at transformers near the Radio Point towers.
We’re still getting a handle on the power outages but we understand there is a large swath of buildings without power on Madison, Pike/Pine and south Broadway.

Seattle City Light is quoting 11pm for restoring power.
Outage isn’t on their online map yet. Try giving them a call just before 6pm for an update on the status.
I’m on 15th and Thomas and heard an explosion, followed by my lights flickering, then another explosion 3-5 seconds later, followed by my lights flickering again. Unplugged my computer just to be safe and waited a little while. Been hearing sirens ever since.
I’m on denny and boylston. Fire trucks nearby. Everything is black. Blast!
We had flickers in our lights at 23rd and Jackson. We didn’t lose it completely, but we were frantically saving everything for a moment there.
i am on harvard and pine and my lights have been out for an hour. Been hearing sirens off and on since then. I hope the power comes back before 11p!
We’ve been having flickering lights and HVAC weirdness at our building on First Hill (near 9th and Seneca) since about 4:30. Must have something to do with it.
All the buildings on the corner of Harvard Ave E & Harrison are out. Hoping for power back before 11pm cause I just went grocery shoppin yesterdee!
My lizard is freezing. Let’s restore this grid already!!
due to outage… fyi in case anyone was planning on getting groceries on the way home.
Saw three or four flickers in my lights here at Mercer & Harvard, but everything stayed on.
Right in the middle of Judge Judy!
I live 1/2 block from 18th and Madison, at work in the U District. Anyone else close to my home address to tell us if we’re without power, and of course, cable? Bet my dog is barking like crazy. Have to work late, so an updates are greatly appreciated.
5:41pm Lights still on. So far so good!
I live above the co-op. Heard the explosions too and no power at 16th and Madison. The streetlights are out up until the one at 15th. 11pm!? Are u kidding me!?!?
we live 2 blocks south of Madison on 18th and our power is out
Seattle City Light just updated their website to give an estimated restore of 8:22pm
summit/olive has no power. Seattle City Light website says 8:30pm is the estimated time when the power will be restored. estimated :)
Just heard from my neighbor that we have power at 1515 Madison, between Pike and Pine and just 1/2 block south of the Towers. Traffic lights out, things roped off, stores closed.
I live at 18th and Pine, and the power went out with the explosions at 4:30, but when I got home at 6 it was back on, surprisingly, even though I could see several places still dark.
We have lights!!!!
Where is your location?
At Boylston & Howell about 5 minutes ago (6:45 PM)
Ours just came back on, too! I’m on Denny and Boylston. :)
Above 16th and Pine. Bout 5 min ago. Was cursing City Light but kudos to them. 2 hours without is way better than 6! I just saw a news crew in front of the market minutes before the power came back.
Our power is back on at 17th and Madison.
Around East Denny/ East Boylston is back on.
Anyone know if the Braeburn has power yet?? I took refuge at the library and can’t take it here much longer.
Yes, Braeburn has power. Sitting on my couch in the west bldg with lights and internet :)
Has anyone noticed that their power is back but now they have no internet (comcast specifically)…posted from my phone.
On the good side, with the stoplights out, Madison turned into a friendly low-speed city street instead of the near-freeway it usually is. 15-20 MPH is a huge improvement in noise and safety from 35-40MPH!
which city light employee pushed the wrong button