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Meeting to discuss housing for homeless vets near Seattle U | SCCC Stand Down event needs donations

The community living and working to the east of Seattle U will learn more Monday night about a plan to create 18 units of “transitional” housing for military veterans. CHS reported on the plan to provide services for the veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at the East Spring facility earlier this year. The plan is being lead by Catholic Community Services, formerly known as the Archdiocesan Housing Authority. Bill, who is active in the community in the area, posted about the Monday night meeting on CHS:

Monday, August 29, at 6:00 P.M. at 824 12th Avenue (Seattle U. A. and A. Bldg.) a public meeting will be held regarding plans for the former day care building at 13th and E. Spring. At the meeting Catholic Community Services will present its plans for renovating the building at the SE corner of E. Spring and 13th Avenue and providing housing and services at that site. From a CCS letter describing the proposed project:

“We are working in partnership with the Veterans Administration to provide 18 units of housing for homeless veterans. … Veterans will be referred by the V.A. and will receive coordinated case management services through both organizations.” Among the criteria for eligibility for housing in the project, CCS lists: “desire to lead a clean and sober lifestyle, willing to undergo a criminal background check, desire to make meaningful life changes leading to independent living.” CCS says that “case management services will be provided onsite.”

According to the CCS Web site, the Veterans Administration awarded CCS $1.1 million for the project. As the Web site describes, “the program will serve homeless Veterans who have unstable social networks, are unemployed or underemployed, may suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse. These men will have little or no resources to fall back on and will be in dire need of help and support to get back on their feet. Veterans may have acquired job skills while in the military, but many of those skills are not transferable to the jobs available in their community. The program is designed to support each Veteran as he progresses at his own pace. Resident progress will be closely monitored through ongoing assessments of individual goals. Monitored outcomes will include: improved residential stability, greater self-determination and increased income and/or job skills. These Veterans will be encouraged to participate in educational and vocational programs. Residents will be required to maintain sobriety while engaged in case management services designed to help them obtain and maintain permanent housing. Upon successful completion of the program, at least 6 months of aftercare case management and support will be provided to the independently housed Veteran.”

CCS anticipates starting construction in spring 2012 and the beginning of service in early 2013. Monday’s meeting is your chance to learn more and ask questions in person. The meeting is in the conference room at the front corner of the 824 12th Ave. bldg. (the corner of 12th and E. Marion.) All are encouraged to attend.

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Seattle Stand Down at Seattle Central
There is also an important event coming up soon at Seattle Central to help veterans. Volunteer Paula writes to CHS about the Seattle Stand Down, September 15th at Seattle Central:

The Seattle Stand Down will provide a number of services that include medical and legal aid, employment resources, alcohol/drug counseling and referral, housing resources, haircuts, showers, food and various clothing articles.  A team of dedicated volunteers are working on putting the event together, but we’re falling a little short on being able to provide food for all of our participants due to lack of funding. 

If you’d like to help out, you can learn more about the event and supporting the initiative here.

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