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Two violent muggings reported along E Madison

Seattle Police responded to two reported violent muggings along the same blocks of E Madison over the weekend. 

In the first incident late Friday night, a woman said she was jumped by a man who hit her in the head, knocked her to the ground, kicked her and stole her suitcase as she walked along Madison near 23rd Ave E. The victim suffered a cut to the back of her head in the attack. The woman, who said she waited an hour before reporting the attack because she has a warrant and feared arrest, told police that she saw three men walking toward her before one approached her and began the attack. She described him as a Hispanic male in his 20s, thin, 6’5″ and wearing a white shirt and dark jacket at the time of the robbery. A search for the area was not successful.

An early morning mugging in the same area sent a man to the hospital early Sunday. According to the victim, he was walking home near 24th and Madison when he was suddenly jumped by an unknown attacker or attackers. The man was knocked unconscious and his wallet and his iPhone were stolen. He was taken to Harborview and reported the mugging to police the next morning when he was released from the hospital.

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12 years ago

Any details on what time(s) during the day these occured? i mean beyond general “late evening” / “early morning” descriptions. It would be helpful, thanks!

12 years ago

The woman said she was jumped around 11p Friday.

The male victim told police his mugging occurred around 3a Sunday.

12 years ago

A 6’5″ Hispanic shouldn’t be hard to find. I wonder if that was supposed to be 5’6″?

12 years ago

The woman was attacked literally outside the sliding doors at the Safeway, according to the one of the clerks there.

12 years ago

Victim told police 6’5″

12 years ago

It’s possible — victim was reportedly unclear on exact location on E Madison where she was jumped

Tall Hispanic
12 years ago

FLASH NEWS: There are Hispanic people with a wide variety of heights, so you can find midgets, average height people, and yes… people over 6’04” height, just like in pretty much all races nowadays.

12 years ago

There was a brown purse and a wallet with a folk pattern and a business card in it some ways away from the purse. Stuff fthat looked like it was discarded from the purse, all on Mercer and Federal this morning

Andrew Taylor
12 years ago

I forwarded a link to the CHS post about the 23rd & Madison muggings to the Miller listserv and (together) we all did a little bit of good.

Got this message:

Subject: Tenant finds wallet of victim

Thank you so much for keeping us informed.

A tenant here at McKinney Manor found the male victim’s wallet in the street by Safeway on E Madison and Denny.
No money, but the Drivers License and other cards were in it. When he read your email I’d forwarded
to him he called the police. They came out and picked up the wallet but disclosed nothing.

12 years ago

I saw a suitcase opened with clothes rummaged through on E Olive in between E Madison and 23rd (near Girlie Press building) a couple of days ago.

I wish I had seen this article sooner. Sorry!