(Image: The Wandering Goose via Facebook)
Among the stories that might make you think we’re hitching a ride on a dying planet, things like the Bullitt Center and a little 15th Ave E project you probably haven’t noticed might give you some hope this Earth Day.
“Rooftop beehives!” the social media account for Capitol Hill’s The Wandering Goose exclaims. We’ve heard owner Heather Earnhardt’s talk of raising bees for honey (honey for biscuits and biscuits for our tummies) — we just didn’t realize she’d developed a mixed-use solution right above our heads. The honey bees hail from Slovenia and Italy by way of California, according to the Goose.[mappress mapid=”44″]
Stop and listen the next time you’re walking at a quiet time on 15th Ave E.
And if you see the swarm on the wander and looking a little lost, here’s what to do — after thanking them for the honey, of course.
That’s one way to create buzz about your restaurant.
it’s like her own little bee sweatshop! I like it :-)
[…] Also on 15th Ave E, Monday afternoon report of swarm of bees wandering the avenue. Don’t panic. It’s for a good, sticky sweet cause. […]