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Police investigate First Hill shooting

A man was found shot in the leg inside a Boren Ave apartment building after an altercation and gunfire reported in a First Hill alley Friday night.

Police were called to the area around Boren and Union around 11 PM to reports of multiple shots fired. Minutes later, a man was reported with gunshot wounds inside a unit at a nearby apartment building.

According to East Precinct radio updates, the victim was conscious and alert and had suffered gunshot wounds to the leg. Seattle Fire was called to the scene to treat the victim and transport him to the hospital.

Police and a canine unit were searching the area for a suspect reported to have left the area on foot.

The alley was blocked off by SPD as officers collected evidence. There were no reported immediate arrests.


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8 months ago

Another shooting. Another no reported arrest…hope they find them. Sigh. Maybe there are cameras that picked something up but if not there should.

8 months ago
Reply to  Hillery

My son was just sitting at a bar meeting a friend when a bullet from this shooting whizzed by. Another young acquaintance was shot while camping at The Gorge. My younger son just told me to chill because I told him I worried when he was out. His exact phrase was “chill Mom, there’s a shooting every weekend in Seattle”.

This is not ok! Not tolerable!

You don’t have to be a Republican or Democrat (I’m the latter for the record), but it’s time for our country to get serious about gun control, and for our city to get serious about managing and prosecuting crime.

8 months ago
Reply to  Amanda

Chicago has some of the strictest gun control and still has shootouts every weekend. I agree that common sense gun control is important, but for these types of incidents we need crime control.

8 months ago

My son, a Marine officer, was sitting outside at Rumba just across the street from this shooting last night. He heard the shots and recognized the sound of bullets whizzing close by. He and his friend fled into the bar, where he called police, who arrived seven minutes later and began securing the scene. How ironic that I worry more for him at our neighborhood establishments on a weekend night than I do during actual marine service.

8 months ago
Reply to  Glenn

So sad. It’s the land of no consequences or catch and release here for gang bangers in the areas largest open drug market.

8 months ago
Reply to  Glenn

I’m impressed the police arrived in just 7 mins

Decline Of Western Civilization
Decline Of Western Civilization
8 months ago

Ban guns.

CD Rom
CD Rom
8 months ago

How do you propose this?

Decline Of Western Civilization
Decline Of Western Civilization
8 months ago
Reply to  CD Rom


CD resident
CD resident
8 months ago

We have laws against all kinds of stuff and they’re barely enforced.

CD Rom
CD Rom
8 months ago

That’s not very specific. Again , what law are do you propose to ban guns?

Decline Of Western Civilization
Decline Of Western Civilization
8 months ago
Reply to  CD Rom

A law that bans the public from possessing guns.