About Brendan McGarry

I've been birding and exploring the natural world all my life. My education is in biology, but that doesn't stop me from writing about all the spinning facets of ecology, particularly in the city.

Pikes/Pines | Three plants you might want to weed out of Capitol Hill ASAP

Hairy Bittercress, Common Foxglove, and Herb Robert can be beautiful — but you may not want to let them spread

I grew up with a mother who embodied the restlessness of the plant world – always dividing clumps of successful plantings, dealing with sudden uprisings of unplanned seedlings, and generally moving things about as season and biology allowed. If you own or live near a manicured garden, you know that it takes constant input to keep it looking a certain way. Mainly because nature abhors a vacuum and plants grow according to genes, which we only have partial control over. Humans are not masters of our surroundings, we are just a maintenance crew along for the ride of growth and decay.

The part of gardening no one likes is weeding. The end result might be satisfying but the effort involved and the endlessness of it is what drives people to the herbicide aisle. A more refined approach to weeding is trying our best to avoid it by sidestepping situations that lead to its necessity. But that’s not what I’m here to write about this week.

This topic of “weeds” is near and dear to my heart as I work to transform my yard into a more biodiverse space by including a host of native plants. Often what results from my clearing of vinca and blackberries are a host of introduced annuals laying in wait as seeds. I’m after a situation where I can leave things to a native seed bank. This may be a losing battle in a highly altered landscape but I soldier on.

However, knowing who is springing up can be a fun exercise, a way to honor the plants while learning how to usher them away. Keep your enemies close right? I find this lessens my frustration at finding a newly cleared area of my yard seeded with yet another unwanted plant. Here’s a few of the recent plants that have been on my mind and that you almost undoubtedly have seen on the Hill.

Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | Marcescence: Why some Capitol Hill trees hold onto their leaves until winter’s bitter end (and maybe why you are completely justified in holding onto your favorite old jacket)

(Illustration: CHS)

It seems that most people cannot help but plant trees whenever they have an opportunity. Over years, the settlers of Capitol Hill have cut down and replaced countless trees — native old growth firs and hemlocks turned to introduced oaks, ashes, elms, and maples. These new residents are mostly deciduous — but have you ever noticed that not every one of them drops their leaves?

They say nature abhors a vacuum. The typical understanding of this is that if there’s an opportunity to be had, some species will jump in and give it a try. Another similar way of thinking of this is that if there’s an adaptation to be had, some species might give it a go. Sometimes we might not know exactly why something is the way it is, but boy, do we like to equivocate when we aren’t quite sure. In this case, the focus of our equivocation are trees that demonstrate marcescence.

The root of this word tells a tale (as most words do if we bother to follow their trail) — marcere, is a latin word that refers to something drooping or withering. This is quite descriptive of a desiccated brown oak leaf still hanging on the tree that grew it, months after others have been shed, attached but no longer alive.

A tree demonstrating marcescence keeps some, or all of its leaves attached throughout the winter. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | What your feathered friends need on a below freezing Capitol Hill

A Spotted Towhee looking out from food and shelter on a frozen day. (Image: Brendan McGarry)

We might not be able to translate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs directly to our fellow creatures – afterall we don’t know how much things like belonging matter to a Northern Flicker. But it goes without saying that our feathered neighbors on the Hill all need food, water, and shelter above all else.

With some of the lowest temperatures in decades upon us, it’s a good time to remember what it takes for birds on the Hill to survive. Wild and free they may be and the list might seem simple, but boy, it’s real out there.

For birds, freshwater can be the hardest thing for birds to find when the temperature dips. What collects in a small indentation on a sidewalk or light morning dew can provide enough for a bird like a Song Sparrow, but freezing weather frequently takes this access away. If you want to help birds and other animals during periods of cold weather – give them access to water and find a way to keep it from freezing. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | Oh, by gosh, by golly, around the Pacific Northwest it is time for… Dwarf Mistletoe and holly

Arceuthobium (Image: Stan Shebs via Wikipedia)

I don’t know about you, but I have never been to a holiday party with mistletoe. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, or maybe it’s a generational thing, but I have zero recollection of a leafy plant with white berries hanging above me during a party. Or am I just admitting I wasn’t very popular growing up?

There’s actually a fairly good biogeographical reason.

While we do have several types of mistletoe in this part of the world, none are the species of lore Viscum album. Often just called Common Mistletoe, this parasitic plant is native to much of Europe and Asia. (Interestingly this species was introduced – and has become invasive – in California by that scoundrel Luther Burbank for holiday harvesting. You might recall he introduced Himalayan blackberries to our region.) These leafy evergreen globes perch in tree and shrub crowns and are quite obvious in the winter months, which might have something to do with prominence in multiple cultural beliefs across the plant’s range.

Mistletoe are a funny species to revere and to associate with things like fertility considering how they make a living. Though mistletoes can photosynthesize, the word of the day is “hemiparasitic” — These quasi-epiphytes have adapted to tap into the vascular systems of trees or shrubs that they grow on. Burrowing under live bark, mistletoes bury their haustorium, a root-like structure that allows them to siphon liquids and nutrients from their host plant. Common Mistletoe can parasitize over 200 tree and shrub species. So, maybe this success is really where an appreciation comes from.

The Pacific Northwest does have a leafy mistletoe that bears resemblance to the old world species. The well named Oak Mistletoe, Phoradendron villosum, enjoys the Oregon White Oaks of the Willamette Valley, doing a lot of obviously plant-like things such as having unmistakeable leaves, flowers, and fruit. However, you won’t encounter that species anywhere near Capitol Hill. What does grow in our area is less obviously a plant and only parasitises coniferous trees. Growing in evergreens, they aren’t easy to spot unless you know what you are looking for, which is part the reason you might have never heard of the Dwarf Mistletoes in genus Arceuthobium. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | Birds on the Hill to be renamed (not after dead white guys)

A Steller’s Jay sleeping well knowing it’s not going the way of the Steller’s Sea Cow any time soon. (Image: Brendan McGarry)

I can finally breathe easily. Soon I’ll never have to get annoyed with people who spell Steller’s Jay, “Stellar.” Indeed they are stellar birds, but the moniker wasn’t bestowed from a need to emphasize their astronomical awesomeness. This common backyard jay, one we enjoy on the Hill, is named after Georg Steller, the German naturalist and physician aboard the Bering Expedition.  Ole Georg is long dead and holds the dubious honor of having multiple endangered or extinct animals named after him. My real reason for feeling a bit of relief is that this bird and dozens of others are slated to be renamed.

Who gets to name a bird? Well, it’s certainly not the birds themselves. At least where we live, the American Ornithological Society is the group of individuals in charge of naming and renaming birds. Don’t get me wrong – you can call a bird whatever name you like – but when we start to try to communicate about a specific species and we have wildly different names for them, it can be a little less than efficient.

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) announced on November 1st, 2023 that it will endeavor to change the English names of birds named after people, as well as those deemed otherwise offensive. (Flesh-footed Shearwater is a good example of offensive – it has pink feet.) For me, this was a welcome announcement and as a Scorpio, I considered it a personal birthday gift, and a signal that those in charge of an area of study I love are taking steps to right wrongs. For others it was the result of long conversations and hard work (I have written about the work of folks in the group Bird Names for Birds previously on Pikes/Pines). For some, it was at best a waste of time, and at worst just another step down the road towards woke-town where white people are being “discriminated against.”

Thankfully, the AOS did not bow and scrape to the latter of these opinions. Birding and ornithology has all types, but has historically been mostly a white male thing and still largely is. Thankfully that trend is changing, and the commitment to future name changes demonstrates that the AOS knows things need to be better. And that we don’t need birds named after Confederate Generals and slave owners, particularly for the argument of “history.”

This is also an exciting opportunity to name birds for their field marks, behavior, and natural history. Why do we need to celebrate some dead white guy who has next to nothing to do with the birds named after him? From the perspective of folks at the AOS the answer is: we don’t. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | When a leaf falls on Capitol Hill

(Image: CHS)


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Fall leaves might evoke warm memories of cider pressing and pumpkin carving. Or they might remind you of a chore you had growing up, or still haven’t managed to escape. Leaves on the ground might symbolize the impending gray we live through in the Pacific Northwest. No matter how you feel, with certainty, leaves fall, and that should happen starting right about now.

The colors of Capitol Hill’s street trees in fall definitely have curb appeal, but I would argue the bigger, more compelling story happens after they hit the ground. We all know inherently that leaves decay. It’s why letting them form a slippery, mucky mess on the sidewalk isn’t great. We rake them up because eventually they turn from red to brown to mush. But what if I told you that decaying leaves contribute to a food web far more diverse than they do while they are green and on a tree?

Indeed, a green leaf might be important food for a native butterfly’s larvae that goes on to pollinate a wildflower, or be eaten by a bird. A fallen leaf is munched by a host of invertebrates, fungi, and bacteria. Fallen leaves make a home for wintering insects, and in turn, become a place for birds to look for important winter foods. The decayed material builds soil and fertilizes plants wherever they fall. A fallen leaf is the base of a pyramid of biological diversity. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | A few things to chew on about Seattle’s magic mushrooms 🍄

UPDATE: We got a lot of feedback over the weekend about the original headline for this story — Seattle’s magic mushrooms ruined my life. Some people said it didn’t accurately portray what the Pikes/Pines nature post was about. Others were concerned readers would only see the headline and a negative portrayal of magic mushrooms. We settled on the original headline after agreeing it fit given the personal story of starting a natural history exploration of psilocybe mushrooms. But we agree that the headline can cause confusion and is getting in the way of a good episode of Pikes/Pines. We have updated the headline. Thanks and apologies for any frustrations.

A map of Psilocybe mushroom observations around Seattle illustrates their urban tendencies (Source: iNaturalist)

A wavy cap, indeed (Image: CHS)

It was a Friday, a weekend away from my 16th birthday, and I had permission to wander off after school with my friends. On this dry October evening, I sat astride monkey bars in a playground in Northeast Seattle while we waited to catch a bus. For some reason that is still a mystery to me, I decided to jump off my perch, but neglected to notice the length of metal tubing below. My face impacted steel before my feet touched the ground and the majority of my two main incisors disintegrated.

When I landed on the ground, I felt obvious pain, but I hadn’t really clocked the ramifications. That was until I looked up at my friends, who appeared to be imitating The Scream. Tentatively probing my jagged maw and realizing what I’d done, I uttered an extremely dramatic phrase for someone under their parent’s insurance and with access to modern dental care.

“I just ruined my life.”

Now, you’ve already jumped to conclusions based on the title of this article and assumed I was high. You’re wrong. I was stupid, had made a bad mistake, but I wasn’t high. But my friends were. They’d eaten mushrooms earlier that afternoon and had just watched what they described as “tracers” fly out of my mouth, and then heard me utter a phrase that haunted them for the rest of the weekend (and long into the future). While it’s reasonable to ponder if my imbibing would’ve helped me through this trauma (doubtful), I know being sober made calling my parents on my Nokia brick less terrifying. My friends caught the bus and ditched me and I didn’t blame them. We’re all still friends and are all reasonably well functioning adults, drugs aside.

For years after breaking my teeth, I was deeply suspicious of psychedelics despite using cannabinoids, alcohol, caffeine, and very rarely nicotine. In fact, I didn’t try mushrooms until fairly recently, when I had a lovely time sitting on a river bank watching birds, making willow branch wreaths, and taking photographs. Despite my reticence and an enjoyable first experience, I never once did I stop to consider the natural history of these mushrooms — many of which grow right here in Seattle. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | Now you know your A, Bee, Cs… next time won’t you count bees on Capitol Hill with me?

Whether or not we appreciate it, humans interact with many other species daily, from the bacteria in our guts to the squirrels visiting our bird feeders. Some, like a graceful Great Blue Heron, are easily enjoyed. Others, like a passing insect, might be brushed off as an annoyance or even feared. However, we are increasingly appreciating the importance of insects in our world.

Pollinating insects and bees in particular are poster children for insect conservation efforts because they directly benefit people. I’ve written about bees on CHS before and stated that there are over 600 species of bees native to Washington. This should give you pause. How many species of bees might you unknowingly share your days with? Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | The pronking, nibbling, Volunteer Park-chilling deer of Capitol Hill

These deer appeared in Volunteer Park in July (Image: Volunteer Park Trust)

When my parents moved out of Seattle and to a small city North of Seattle in 2017, they took with them plans for a new garden. They didn’t realize that Anacortes is filthy with deer, nor what it meant for that garden. Deer rubbing their antlers on their precious new Japanese maples. Deer uprooting fresh plantings of flowers. Deer relaxing on lawns and chewing cud.

What does Anacortes have to do with Capitol Hill? Nothing really, but if you are anything like me, you didn’t grow up having many first-hand experiences with deer. They were animals you saw in the country, common but still kinda fun to see. Believe it or not, there are deer in Seattle and a couple of Capitol Hill’s green spaces host them. But that makes the deer that have been hanging out in Volunteer Park no less exciting.

The “deer” in question are Black-tailed Deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. They are a subspecies of Mule Deer, which range all across Western North America. Go east of the Cascades and you’ll find a different subspecies, the Rocky Mountain Mule Deer. Colloquially often called just “Muleys,” they are well named, for their seemingly oversized mule-like ears. Washington is also home to White-tailed Deer, including a threatened population now restricted to Southwestern Washington. Continue reading

Pikes/Pines | A new and reduced Clean Water Act also trickles onto Capitol Hill

In an effort to create more wetland environments here, there is a plan to install floating man-made wetlands in Green Lake (Image: Friends of Green Lake)

(Image: City of Seattle)

I don’t know about you, but I like a good wetland. A real low-lying mucky kinda place that you know would pull your boots right off if you tried to walk across it. The kinda place that, according to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, no longer deserves protection under the Clean Water Act.

On May 25th, 2023 the Court issued its decision in the case of Sackett vs. the EPA, siding with Idaho couple Michael and Chantell Sackett. The case itself has been moving through the court systems since 2008, when the Sacketts were first told to halt filling a lot they were developing near Priest Lake, Idaho. The EPA said they could tell the Sacketts to do this because of the Clean Water Act, and when the couple sued, the local court agreed with the EPA. But finally, court by court, the Sackett’s got what they wanted from the final say in our judicial system.

You would be justified in thinking that this doesn’t sound like something related to natural history on Capitol Hill.  And really, despite my soap box opinions about how we all relate to the more than human world, I don’t delve into environmental policy on Pikes/Pines because it’s not my area of expertise. But this one hurts. And it upends 50 years of protections that are vital to human and environmental health.

The entire case hinged on a definition of “Waters of the US,” and the semantics of what is water and what isn’t as well as that sloppy middle ground — wetlands. Continue reading