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This week in CHS history | Capitol Hill Prides past, Antonio Mays Jr. killed at CHOP, Seattle’s first Trans Pride

Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:



CHS Pics | Pride returns to its rightful space on Capitol Hill

Glo’s closed indefinitely after fire damages its E Olive Way building — UPDATE

The Capitol Hill Dick’s Drive-In is…



CHS Pics | Here’s what it looked like on Capitol Hill on the hottest day ever* in Seattle history — UPDATE: Monday hits 106 F … and then 107 F… 108 F

Seattle heat wave also brings a sad break on E Mercer

After alleged $800 heist downtown Friday, Starbucks bandit’s robbery goes less well Saturday in the Central District



Some occupiers make a stand, others prepare for exit from CHOP as city moves in to clear parts of Capitol Hill protest zone — UPDATE: ‘Sunday morning’

At least two shot as camp reportedly opens fire on jeep after Capitol Hill protest zone drivebys — UPDATE: One dead

After #defundSPD speech in front of her home, Durkan calls for City Council to investigate, expel Sawant

With Seattle and King County cases on rise again, officials say not enough people isolating at first signs of illness



Huge crowd rallies for Trans Pride Seattle as fight for rights for all starts Capitol Hill Pride weekend

The Meinert letters a bid to deny former Pike/Pine bar owner’s efforts to re-grow nightlife empire off Capitol Hill

Police search for suspect after shooting victim found at Broadway and Howell — UPDATE: No shooting, SPD says



Eyewitnesses: Capitol Hill’s mystery soda machine has disappeared — UPDATE

Families Belong Together protests on June 30th include Seattle rally

After 38 years, time for some change on Broadway: La Cocina’s Cantina coming soon



CHS Pics | Hot-for-Seattle Saturday fills Broadway with Pride — Plus, Pride Rugby

Capitol Hill’s first parklet — trading parking for park space — coming in August

City Council gets first look at Capitol Hill Station ‘transit oriented development’ plans

Crowd gathers in Capitol Hill diner to celebrate Supreme Court rulings

CHS Pics | Trans* Pride marches to Cal Anderson


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